Recently Received older UFO reports.

Report #1 is from a 1992 sighting (with photo) in St. Paul, MN.
Report #2 Oldie but weird. From Canada.
Report #3

This report was obtained by Minnesota MUFON member Craig Lang.

Sighting Report: Possible NL/MA1 -- Observed June, 1976
Subject: Sighting Report # (assigned by MUFON HQ)
Type of Report: Maneuver of the 1st kind (MA1), Nocturnal Light (NL)
Date of Report: 15 April 1996
Date of Sighting: (Date unknown but approx 15/June/1976)
Place of Sighting: Clark Lake, Door County, WI, USA
From: Craig R. Lang, Field Investigator Trainee

Sighting Background
The witness is a co-worker of mine (a computer engineer). During casual conversation, I mentioned that I was associated with MUFON, and was involved in investigating UFO sightings. The witness immediately informed me that he had observed a UFO 20 years ago. He then volunteered a brief description of the event detailed in this report. I gave him a copy of MUFON form 1 and asked him to fill it out with the details of his sighting. The next day, he returned the largely competed form. ' After reviewing the form, I asked followup questions and filled in the remaining details.

Sighting Account
It was an absolutely clear June Night, at approximate time of 22:00 CDT. The witness (age 15 at the time of the sighting) was reclining on the dock of a cabin on Clark lake, in Door County, WI. He was stargazing, with his head facing to the north, when he noticed a moving starlike light travelling approximately from North to South. The object was approximately 35 degrees north of the zenith when he noticed it. It caught his attention due to its motion being somewhat too fast for a satellite. Its magnitude was approximately equal to that of the star Polaris.

The object passed approximately 10 degrees to the east of the zenith, remaining approximately constant in brightness. At about this point, it abruptly turned approximately 110 degrees and "shot" off to the east-north-east. The turn was described as being "instantaneous". On its departure phase, the object was described by the witness as appearing somewhat like a shooting star, disappearing rapidly from view.

The initial leg of its path lasted about 4 to 5 seconds, and the departure phase lasted approximately 1 second or less. The witness was not clear how far across the sky it had travelled as it disappeared froview. When asked, the witness was absolutely sure that the object on both leg of the apparent flight path was the same.
Additional Witnesses: None

Natural and Manmade Phenomena Check:
The initial north-south leg of the objects path suggests that it might have been a military satellite. The departing leg suggests that of a meteor. Thus, it is possible (but unlikely) that this object could have been a coincidental sequence of a military satellite on a north-south transit. In this scenario, the apparent turn could have been the result of a shooting star occurring at the time, and beginning at the same location, in which the satellite was crossing the terminator.

Other Possibilities:
The object was some form of high altitude maneuver of conventional aircraft. While the witness describes the turn as sharp, there could be enough inaccuracy over 20 years of memory, and due to verbal description, that the turn could have been executed by some high performance aircraft. The witness insists however, that the turn was "sharp" and that this explanation is not correct.

Sighting Evaluation:
NL/MA1 - Unexplained.
While a possible explanation is given above, it is deemed unlikely by both the witness and myself. Thus the sighting must be classified as unexplained.

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